
Onion fried rice

Ingredients: 3 cups Jasmine cooked rice (2 days old) - 1/2 cup white onion - 1/2 cup
green onion (chopped) - 3 garlic cloves (minced) - 2 tbs sesame oil - 2-3
tablespoons soy sauce (more or less to taste) - 1/4 cup peanut oil
Directions: In a really hot frying pan add peanut oil, garlic, and 1/2 of the onions, fry for
4 minutes. Add rice, break apart gently. Add the rest of the onion, sesame oil, soy sauce,
and mix all ingredients. Let sit on medium heat (constantly string) for 3-4 minutes or until
rice is separated (non sticky). Scoop rice on a plate. Garnish with fresh green onions ..enjoy