
Benefits of honeydew melon

Honeydew melon makes a refreshing treat on any day! Low in calories and a healthy choice when craving for sweet treats. Whether enjoyed fresh or added to yogurt, honeydew delivers iron, B vitamins and essential nutrients. One cup of honeydew provides 34 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Free radicals are the natural byproduct of normal chemical processes, but they damage cells if they’re not neutralized by an antioxidant such as vitamin C. Damaged cells become inflamed and, over time, that can result in illnesses, including cardiovascular disease. White blood cells in the immune system secrete substances to kill bacteria, but the same substances would harm the white blood cells if not, in part, for vitamin C’s antioxidant ability to neutralize the toxins
Our body also needs vitamin C for the synthesis of collagen, which is used to support blood vessels, ligaments and skin. The heart and blood vessels all rely on the presence of potassium for normal functioning. Potassium carries electric charge that stimulates and regulates muscle contractions and communication between nerves. Honeydew is also a great source of fiber. Honeydew melon contains soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps keep blood sugar balanced by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates. It also lowers cholesterol by carrying fat out of the body. Insoluble fiber is the type of dietary fiber that keeps food moving through the digestive tract, preventing constipation and some types of gastrointestinal disease. One cup of honeydew melon has a total of 1.4 grams of fiber. Men need 38 grams daily, while women need 25 grams, so men get 4 percent of their recommended daily intake and women gain 6 percent