Jewelry Inspiration: Day 1. Jewelry inspiration comes from all walks of life. For years I've been inspired by the exquisite intricacy of modern/antique sterling silver, gold, and many other different metals. I find myself drawn to the "ugly-unique" pieces, pieces that's often big and bulky with some kind of asymmetrical characteristic. I've taken thousands of pictures of what I consider jewelry inspirations, which spark ideas for many of the titles on my blog. Fascinated by many designers but do not just focus on the designer of a piece but the creativeness of a design is most important to me. I have had people send me messages and even stopped me concerning pieces in my collection, which I had no idea of it's origin in which they explain how important these pieces are. I do enjoy learning and educating myself on what inspires late artists' just the same. Traveling gives me options for collecting; also rare opportunities into antique shops to see how thoughts evolves from a simple block of sliver into a mind blowing piece