On the road to natural hair I learn something new everyday
tea is not just good for the body but also great the hair. Green tea is
said to be a cancer fighter and decrease the production of harmful
bacteria. I'm interested in the green tea rinse for many reasons. Green
tea stimulates hair growth and combats hair loss. The antioxidant that
is present in green tea is said to stimulate the hair follicles. It is
very effective in treating certain scalp conditions such as dandruff,
dry scalp, and psoriasis. Green tea strengthens and conditions the hair,
and contains vitamin C, E, and panthenol - when used as a rinse is a
great way to get hair conditioned naturally. Additionally it restores
dry damaged hair because of its high Vitamin E content it can combat
dryness effectively. Green tea guards against sun damage to hair and
skin, softens hair as well as strengthens hair
How I use green tea rinse:
boil 2 tea bags in hot water for 30 mins on medium heat. When the tea
has cooled I like to add 7 drops of 6 of my favorite essential oils (I
use essential oils as preservatives ..Tea tree oil works great). I use a
spray bottle for spraying my hair. For whatever is left over place in a
air tight container then store in the fridge for later use. You can
rinse your hair over the sink as well