

This look is one of my favorites, so cool - so groovy. Hope everyone is having a dandy darn day. Ok, ok. My blog give away will be next week ...it could be Thursday or Friday who knows - but IT WILL be next week sometime. I am excited about it, are you? The giveaway will consist of multiple pieces of jewelry (especially rings)  jewelry in which I've loved and adored in my collection. I love you more so therefore I'm giving these pieces to someone who would love and appreciate them as I did. Boho is my favorite style.. so you know what that mean ...I will be giving away chunky pieces which describes my style, so those of you who like heavy chunky rings and things, stay tuned in. It's so simple to enter, share my blog(s) with friends and family here, here, or here, like it on social media, and simply follow my daily posts, that's all